Gaelic Name: MacFhearghuis
Motto: Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter after difficulties)
Badge: Little sunflower
Lands: Argyll, Perthshire, Dumfries and Galloway
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Fearghas (Angry)
The name Fergusson sprang to life in many, widely spread parts of Scotland. Ideally the name could be traced back so as to bring the families together to a single ancestral family, but when we consider that the name Fergus in Gaelic means ‘the angry’ and ‘the bold and proud’, we can appreciate that such a descriptive term would have been applied to someone at some time in almost every village. The Fergussons of Argyllshire claim to be the descendants of Fergus Mór mac Erc, a Scots King from the times of Dalriada, and represent the connection with the boars head on their shield.